Thursday 5 September 2024

Your Comments: Being Born With Free Spiritual Will

Vine's Documentary now on YouTube… 

It's been one month since Vine Seer published her latest documentary about being born with free spiritual will and there's been a lot of comments from clients and followers, surprisingly not in the comments section of the video itself. Most likely because we've not emphasized to leave your feedback. Something we intend to remedy for future videos.

Are You Protecting Your Free Will?


Vine is now working on the second part of the free will story, so don’t forget to subscribe and hit the alert button for all the new spiritual videos. Every little bit helps to get the message out there about the attacks on our free will.

Our Democracies were Founded to Protect Our Free Will...

Vine’s higher guardians stress that free will is our birthright and we must guard against those trying to expunge it. 

Online, we are no longer spiritually protected because we're constantly being bombarded by chaos actors and paid networks trying to persuade us to change our way of thinking. This makes us vulnerable.

Totalitarian forces around the world and the secretive repressive plutocratic forces behind our Western democracies are already seizing the opportunities created by wholesale collection of our personal-life data.

They already have sophisticated profiles of almost every human being on the planet. They have the capacity and ability to predict what we are likely to do and how subservient we may or may not be.

When a conservative state gets hold of that sort of data, people begin to curb their speech and choices to either appease the state, or as it becomes more totalitarian, to escape its authoritarian clutches. This is resulting in the clandestine removal of our free will, as we ‘willingly’ conform to the severe policies of the plutocratic controllers of our state.

They are tearing down the democracies of our world

There are secretive forces now working to replace our democracies with deterministic billionaire-run totalitarian states. The main strategy is to crush people’s hopes with austerity policies, as we are seeing in the UK at the moment where conservative austerity hardships are being continued by the new Labour Government.

The aim is to make people compliant and without protest, ready to accept the tearing down of the democracies of our world, which were built upon the rock of free will.

Collectively and individually it is up to everyone of us to be discerning to determine who is attempting to persuade us and what funding is being secretly funneled into the persuaders' networks.

If you have any personal information that could help others understand this more, please feel free to leave your comments on Vine Earth Seer YouTube Channel

Thursday 8 August 2024

Free Will - Vine Seer Exposes The Secrets

What is free fill and why do Vine’s Higher Guardians say that guarding your free will is so important?


In recent years you may have noticed there's been vigorous assertions that Free Will doesn’t exist. Many assert that scientific understanding of cause and effect categorically rules out the existence of Free Will and that everything we do has been predetermined since the big bang. Others say that science proves free will does exist. While most with scientific mindsets flatly refuse to entertain any spiritual aspect to Free Will.

But what if Free Will is everybody's spiritually-given birthright and we've all been misdirected or even lied to by those who tell us that Free Will doesn't exist? And why is this being done?

Watch Vine’s new Free Will documentary and see the truth about your true spiritual birth essence of free will, and why it is crucial that you protect it from manipulation.

Watch the Video
They Lied About Free Will - SECRETS EXPOSED

Love and Light


Thank you for your support !

Thursday 25 July 2024

Spiritual Documentaries

Explore the mysteries of existence, unravel the threads of consciousness and dive into the spiritually profound...

I'm excited to be releasing my unique and thought-provoking spiritual documentaries that will ignite your curiosity and expand your perspective. 
Whilst the videos come from a spiritual point of view, I don't sit on the fence. The content goes to the heart of everything that makes our world tick. They are gateways to deeper understanding.

Share them with fellow seekers, spark conversations and let the wisdom flow.

The latest video is up now:
They Lied About FREE WILL - Secrets Exposed

Love and Light


Thank you for your support

Friday 7 July 2023

Does Time Exist as We Know it? Australian Vine Seer Reveals Truth


Vine's Childhood True-Life Story about Time

YouTube Video - Does Time Exist as We Know It?

In this video, Vine explains how from a young age, she regularly lifted from her body (Out-Of-Body Experiences) to meet up with and receive instructive guidance. She learnt a valuable lesson about time after returning to her normal childhood life. 

The lessons about cosmic time had a huge impact on Vine and allowed her to later step into her spiritual role as an Earth Seer (see the first video in this series Becoming an Earth Seer).

Vine's ability to demonstrate heightened intelligence and her knowledge of the traditional spiritual arts, has enabled her to identify where and when the traditional spiritual teachings have been twisted to suit disingenuous people, and who is abusing Universal Law.

This is the second in a series of videos Vine will soon be publishing about her knowledge of the Earth Changes we are now beginning to experience.
Love and Light

Monday 13 March 2023

Australian Vine Psychic #Q&A Tips - What Don't You Know?

NEW! Australian Vine Psychic #QandA Tips are Ready to Launch

Vine's followers and customers are about to get their psychic, metaphysical, spiritual and paranormal questions personally answered by Vine. We opened up our QandA forum to ask what questions you wanted Vine Seer to cover. They came in fast. Now Vine is breaking them down into 'YouTube shorts' to help you find the information you are looking for. 

Vine appreciates all of her customers and followers taking the time to reach out to learn more about the spiritual arts and for your loyal support throughout the years.

We've jazzed-up Vine's psychic tips to give it a whole new look.

If you are new to Vine's YouTube channel, subscribe and hit the alert button and join in the conversation.


Monday 6 March 2023

How did Vine Psychic become an Earth Seer?

Australian Vine Earth Seer

New YouTube Video - Now Online!

Vine Seer's true life story about becoming an Earth Seer. 

Vine shares how she was spiritually guided to release Earth Changes psychic predictions and spiritual prophecy at the request of her higher spiritual guardians.

She reveals the chain of life events that resulted in her releasing spiritual prophecy and speaking out to protect the 'original spiritual arts'.

She not only tells her true-life story, but backs it up with historical references about how and when everything happened.It's rare to find a psychic's authentic life with published accounts, verified dates and channeling providing evidence that the traditional spiritual arts exist, so if you're interested in metaphysical, spiritual and cosmic intelligence, watch Vine's new video.

It's the first of many videos Vine will soon be publishing about Earth Changes.

Sunday 26 February 2023

Australian Vine Psychic - Unique New Spiritual Content

How did Vine become a Spiritual Earth Seer?

For years, Vine has been receiving requests from her psychic prediction and spiritual prophecy readers, wanting to know about her spiritual background after finding how accurate her psychic predictions are.

Now, Vine's higher spiritual guardians have channeled she can share this important knowledge to help you understand the Earth Changes and how they relate to your life.

Most followers know how on point and accurate Vine's spiritual predictions have been over the years and are curious for real knowledge from a trusted Spiritual Seer who has earned that trust over the last 40 years.

There is a readiness to accept the knowledge of the traditional spiritual arts and to be more discerning about the entertainment side of the psychic sector.

If you’ve ever had a psychic reading with Vine, you’ve already experienced her unique breath method of connecting to your aura and sharing important spiritual guidance that helps you navigate decisions and gain a greater perspective.

Vine has never used any type of spiritual tool to connect to your aura. That in itself, makes her psychic readings unique. But Vine has also stepped up to speak out about a wide range of issues in the metaphysical, paranormal and mind body spirit arena.

Saturday 30 May 2020

Spiritual Seer Vine's New Podcast - True Life Story

What did Psychic Vine do in her Younger Days?

In vine's latest podcast she reveals how at a young age she was guided by her Higher Guardians to learn about the traditional spiritual teachings of nature.

Later she received guidance to work on the first psychic line in Australia, to help protect the original spiritual arts.

Listen as Vine talks about her early spiritual life, her work on the first psychic line in Australia and how she came to run her own psychic line...

Australian clairvoyant medium Vine is a gifted spiritual seer who can tune into your individual consciousness and provide expert psychic help using her unique spiritual breath technique. To book an accurate psychic reading online from Australia or anywhere in the world, go to:  
Vine Phone Psychic BOOKINGS

This psychic blog is about Vine's podcast on her early spiritual life.

Monday 7 May 2018

Are Paranormal Investigators and Australian Celebrity Psychics Influenced by Joan Lindsay, Picnic at Hanging Rock?

Hanging Rock, as seen from The Clyde School (Mount Macedon) - Girls exercising in front of the Clyde School - An actual Clyde School picnic at Hanging Rock, circa 1920 - Joan Lindsay, author of Picnic at Hanging Rock, in her last year at The Clyde School, 1914

Some time ago I was contacted by several Australian authors working on books about Victoria's Hanging Rock. It was regarding an article I had written about finding a dark energy ley line. I had wondered whether author Joan Lindsay had felt the same energy before writing her 1967 novel, “Picnic at Hanging Rock”.

One of the authors asked me to verify the possibility of a past murder at Hanging Rock. Although I was happy to clarify how psychics can help, I also explained that once a psychic is aware of the history of a place, or ghost activity and haunting, any subsequent channeling could be influenced by the prior knowledge.

Celebrity Psychics Go to Hanging Rock
Fast forward three years, to just a few weeks before the new Foxtel TV series remake of Picnic at Hanging Rock went to air. Melbourne newspaper the Herald Sun invited a group of paranormal investigators and Australian celebrity psychics to Hanging Rock to share their remote visions.

If the same question about confirmation of possible murders at Hanging Rock that was put to me, was also put to the celebrity psychics, or if any of them had read theories that are easily found on the internet, their psychic channeling would be influenced by those theoretical accounts.

Any fake psychics out there would think nothing of repeating pre-existing accounts, as if they were channeling it themselves.

The celebrity psychics who were invited to Hanging Rock by the Herald Sun, mostly channeled events that are already known.

Several of them even said they felt a ley line and dark energy, which I had discovered and written about after my trip to Hanging Rock more than three years ago.

Publishers, authors and journalists need to be aware that a credible psychic wouldn't accept an invitation to Hanging Rock or any other paranormal site, if they were previously told what they were looking for.

Serendipitous Paranormal Occurrences
My own paranormal occurrences happen serendipitously. I don’t go somewhere hoping to see ghosts - it just happens when I get there.

When I visited Hanging Rock and Braemar College in Mount Macedon in late 2014, I knew very little about the area. I wasn’t looking for ley lines, dark energy, anything paranormal or connections to Joan Lindsay and Picnic at Hanging Rock. I simply connected with those things when I got there...

Read Vine's complete spiritual article about Hanging Rock and the importance for psychics to avoid prior information about historical events...

Picnic at Hanging Rock - Australian Celebrity Psychics Cashing In?

Australian clairvoyant medium Vine is a gifted spiritual seer who can tune into your individual consciousness and provide expert psychic help using her unique spiritual breath technique. To book an accurate psychic reading online from Australia or anywhere in the world, go to:  
Vine Phone Psychic BOOKINGS

This psychic blog is about celebrity psychics at Hanging Rock and the importance of avoiding preconceived ideas about paranormal locations.

Saturday 5 May 2018

Australia's Money Laundering Real Estate Secrets by Vine Psychic

In this psychic reading blog I look at the reasons younger generations are finding it hard to get into the housing market and whether our economic structure is broken.

If you're struggling to buy your first house, you've every right to ask why why it was relatively easier for previous generations to buy one.  Why are you having to save up so much money for a deposit on your first home or apartment in Australian cities?

I do a lot of real estate and property psychic readings for people who want to get into the housing market, so I know how difficult it is to find affordable properties particularly in major Australian cities.

We have seen the cost of properties in suburbs and cities all over the country skyrocket, in many cases by hundreds of thousands of dollars in just a couple of years, and its hard to see what is behind it all.

Well, I can tell you that it's nothing to do with how many smashed avocados or cafe lattes you buy.

2018 Psychic Prediction - Tax Havens, Money Laundering

At the beginning of 2018, the channeling from my higher guardians was all about the secret economies, money laundering and tax havens working beneath the surface of our economies.

Guided by my channeling, I began to connect the dots and found that there is so much hidden money, that the structure of our global economies as we know it, is a mirage.

Where does the Tax Haven Money Go?

Taxes to pay for government services that should be collected from companies, are instead being directed to tax havens. But it’s what happens to that tax haven money that is relevant to the younger generation trying to get into the housing market.

The money that we're told is sitting in tax havens is being transferred to secret shell companies, and from there it is used to buy up big in the housing market.

Part of the reason illicit funds find a safe haven in Australian real estate, is weaknesses in Australia’s anti-money laundering laws.

In 2007 the Australian Government drafted legislation to extend anti-money laundering provisions to real estate agents, lawyers, accountants and other notaries authorized to perform the legal formalities surrounding money laundering in Australian real estate. The legislation has never been implemented.

The higher realms have revealed the reason you are struggling to get your foot in the door in real estate is because housing prices have been escalated by that tax haven money entering the market place.

The same rich people who are pushing for tax cuts, are offshoring their tax to pay at a lower rate. Some companies are evading tax altogether and directing their earnings into tax havens with the help of government policy.

Read Vine's complete article on money laundering in Australian real estate and tax havens...

How does Money Laundering stop you from getting into Australian Real Estate?

Vine is a gifted Spiritual Seer who can tune into your individual consciousness and provide expert psychic help, using her unique spiritual breath technique. To book an accurate psychic reading online from Australia or anywhere in the world, go to:  
Vine Phone Psychic BOOKINGS

This psychic blog is about money laundering in Australian real estate.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Melbourne Born Psychic Vine is Wowing Global Readers with her Psychic Prediction Accuracy

Melbourne natural-born psychic Vine is demonstrating the real spiritual arts in her psychic prediction prophecy, which is coming true on a regular basis.

Vine is a far cry from the frivolous entertainment psychics, found so readily in internet searches. Vine's prophecy deals with real life issues that concern how we live our lives and the important issues we need to be aware of to give our children the best chance of a good life in the future.

Vine is highly sought out because of the accuracy of her psychic predictions and her psychic readings...

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Vine Psychic Reading 10 Year Anniversary and Spiritual Direction

It is Australian Vine's Psychic Reading 10 Year online anniversary. There's lots of changes coming, so get ready for an incredible spiritual evolution!

It was 10 years ago that Vine was spiritually guided by her higher guardians to start her own online psychic business after working for the first Aussie Psychic Phone Company. Vine worked for over five Australian and international businesses before creating Vine Psychic Line.

Vine's Spiritual Background
At 20 years of age Vine started to do psychic readings in her birth city Melbourne and then traveled to Sydney, Brisbane and Cairns doing face-to-face readings. Vine's business reputation grew by demonstrating incredible psychic skills. At no time did she use any psychic tools like tarot, angel card spreads.

Everything she guided to customers was purely heightened spiritual senses and customers were amazed by her accuracy and started recommending her to family and friends and becoming repeat clients.

Vine Spiritually Trained By Her Higher Guardians to Release Prophecy
Little did she know at the time when she began receiving channeling as a psychic kid, she would then be guided to release spiritual prophecy to help us understand the Earth changes that were to come.

Now Vine's Spiritual Prophecy is followed by thousands of people across the globe. She has over a thousand readers who visit her website daily. At the start of the 2017 year, Vine's had over half a million visitors follow her psychic predictions.

In particular, followers identify how incredibly accurate she's been about Trump and his Russian connection to become the most illegitimate United States President and the Commander and Chief of the Free World.

Vine was spiritually warning the world since 2011 and she also guided some of the underhanded methods Trump's contacts used to push him over the line.

Vine is a Spiritual Psychic Reading Expert
Australian clairvoyant medium Vine receives hundreds of emails from people wanting to engage in conversations about spirituality and metaphysics because they know she's the real thing. Recently a priest from the United States of America sought out Vine's counsel because he described her knowledge of the spiritual arts was incredible.

Vine is able to put the missing pieces of the puzzle together and theologians and light workers trust her guidance. She doesn't try to win her customers over through sugar coated positive readings, she's clear and concise and cares about your spiritual well being.

Have You Noticed The True Local Malicious Competitor Psychic Reviews Online?
Skeptics have not attacked Vine's psychic ability because she's been completely transparent with psychic predictions, and they come true.

The only issues Vine has had to deal with since she was spiritually guided to start her own online psychic business are competitor saboteurs. These psychic competitor saboteurs will attempt to persuade buyers Vine's voice sounds too young for her age to be in her 35th year of doing readings.

Recently her competitors went online to over five business directories to defame her spiritual acumen and integrity in the psychic arts.  Hopefully you are wise enough not to fall for the trap of Vine's business saboteurs and have booked a psychic reading to hear how incredible her psychic ability really is.

Vine's Spiritual Business Evolving - What to Look Out For
Fast forward to the present day and the Earth Changes are upon us. The world is changing dramatically before our eyes. This is why she is being spiritually guided that her online business needs to evolve to the next level.

Get ready for Vine's Spiritual Inspired business to set the benchmark again in a new branch of her business. Clearly Vine is a psychic business entrepreneur who does it her own way.

We look forward to your continued loyalty and helping you get the real spiritual help you deserve.

Australian Psychic Vine, Discounted Credit Card Bookings
If you would like to book a phone psychic reading with Vine or learn more about her unique spiritual abilities visit the following web page:  Vine Phone Psychic Reading Bookings – International and Australia - landline and mobile.  Australian Telephone Psychic Reading Line - 1902 242 800 - Call costs $4.95 per min gst inclusive, extra Mobile/Pay Monessa Gulf


Vine has been providing psychic readings services to her Australian and International clients for 35 years. Above is Australian Born Vine Psychic's latest psychic reading blog, reflecting on her spiritual background being born in Melbourne, Victoria

Book an online psychic reading from anywhere in the world by using our secure PayPal booking facilities. Let gifted Australian Psychic Medium Vine, tune into your individual consciousness using her spiritual breath technique and provide expert psychic help. To book an accurate psychic reading booking online, go to: Vine Phone Psychic Bookings

Monday 12 December 2016

Australia Christmas and Holiday Psychic Readings with Vine Psychic

Is Australia's Vine Psychic working over the Christmas, holiday season? We've received so many inquiries in Australia that we have released our Christmas and holiday news blog.

You will find everything you need to know about booking Xmas gift vouchers to finding Vine's Bulletin board on Twitter

Thank you for your unwavering loyalty and have a wonderful Christmas or holiday break depending on your religion. Australian Vine Psychic Reading Line sends our gratitude and we wish you a joyful Christmas and Happy New Year. Blessings from the team at Vine Psychic Line.


Friday 2 December 2016

Soulmate Love Psychic Tips by Aussie Psychic Expert Vine

Is the search for your Soulmate or Twin Flame love relationship driving you round the bend?

Have you been told by a love psychic that your new love interest is your soulmate?

Often, when you are first attracted to a man or woman, they can do no wrong in your eyes; they make your heart skip a beat. You excitedly contact a love psychic who tells you they are your soulmate or twin flame. Off you go to declare your love openly to the man or woman of your dreams...

But are they really your soulmate? 

Be prepared for a reality check concerning soulmate psychics who tell you what you want hear, rather than what you need to hear.

There are many other types of relationships you can have, and although soulmates and twin flames do exist, they don't always happen and are not always necessary. So, why are so many love psychic readers telling people that their love interest is a soulmate?

To find out what you need to know about Soulmates and Twin Flames, view my TOP FIVE PSYCHIC TIPS here:
Soulmate Reality Check - Love Psychic Readings

Australian clairvoyant medium Vine is a gifted spiritual seer who can tune into your individual consciousness and provide expert psychic help using her unique spiritual breath technique. To book an accurate psychic reading online from Australia or anywhere in the world, go to:  
Vine Phone Psychic BOOKINGS

This psychic blog is about Soulmate and Twin Flame advice from love psychic readings.

Friday 23 September 2016

Fake Psychic Reviews - TRUE LOCAL & WOMO

Are Psychic Networks Committing Fraud on Directory/Review sites to Entice Australian Customers?

The ethical integrity of psychic business reviews is on the line for major review sites such as WOMO and True Local. Identifying fake, fraudulent and malicious psychic reviews requires professional due diligence checks and balances, which are presently not working.

The much higher ratio of psychic business reviews compared to other industries, should already have alerted the managers of these directory/review sites to the problem.

WOMO and True Local rate businesses by awarding gold stars. These are meant to tell Australian customers which businesses are trustworthy and have a good reputation.

Unfortunately, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Read the full article here:
Fake Psychic Reviews and Testimonials on WOMO and TRUE LOCAL

Love and Light

Australian Psychic Vine, Discounted Credit Card Bookings
If you would like to book a phone psychic reading with Vine or learn more about her unique spiritual abilities visit the following web page:  Vine Phone Psychic Reading Bookings – International and Australia - landline and mobile.  Australian Telephone Psychic Reading Line - 1902 242 800 - Call costs $4.95 per min gst inclusive, extra Mobile/Pay Monessa Gulf

Vine has been providing psychic readings services to her Australian and International clients for 34 years. Above is Australian & Melbourne Born Vine Psychic's latest psychic reading blog about Fake Psychic Reading Reviews on WOMO and True Local.
Book an online psychic reading from anywhere in the world by using our secure PayPal booking facilities. Let gifted Australian Psychic Medium Vine, tune into your individual consciousness using her spiritual breath technique and provide expert psychic help. To book an accurate psychic reading booking online, go to: Vine Phone Psychic Bookings

Saturday 3 September 2016

Psychic Melbourne - Vine's Spiritual Readings Reflections

Melbourne Born Vine Psychic Spiritual Reading Reflections

I couldn't have reached my 34th year doing psychic readings without reflecting on where it all began in Melbourne and the loyalty of my clients. You have been my rock. When I was a psychic kid learning about the spiritual breath technique I never foresaw one day being guided to start my own business. At that time there was no such thing as the Mind Body Spirit movement or for that matter a psychic industry. 

Lifting in and Out of My Body As a Psychic Kid
My spiritual experiences were not something my childhood friends encountered. I was often lifting in and out of my body at will and floating around my bedroom or swooping out of the window in a gush of wind. It is why I love to fly, because that feeling of being weightless and not in a vessel is exhilarating. When I had out of body experiences as a psychic kid and was joined by my spiritual guardians I would  look over rooftops or fly over the beautiful trees, oceans and lakes and appreciate the beauty of our amazing world. It is probably why I was able to appreciate at such a young age the relevance of nature. 

Spiritual Visitation for Angelic Guardian in my bedroom
That was further complemented when I awoke to find a beautiful angelic spiritual being in my room guiding that I needed to leave my family home and to learn about nature first hand. I travelled from Melbourne to Sydney and eventually ended up in Cairns. I would walk around the forest, quieten my mind and explore the unseen energies that exist on our planet. I would learn about ley lines and also alter my vibrational frequency to understand the direct relationship humans have to nature. Anyone who knows my background is aware I love nature with a passion. 

Spiritual Apprenticeship, Speaking Out About Deceptive Teachings
My spiritual learning wasn't done by joining a psychic course, I experienced all of my lessons from my higher guardians. At no time was I guided that hypnosis was a psychic art, nor was I guided that mind manipulation was a credible art. This is why you will find me speaking out about the traditional spiritual arts on my website because a lot of New Age teachings are suspect. Most recently I have been warning about neuro linguistic programming (NLP) that was deliberately introduced into the Mind Body Spirit sector and has been widely embraced by the life coaching institutes and psychic associations. 

Respecting the Oneness of All People and Religions
I did attend spiritualist churches because I believe in the brotherhood of man and also know that there is life after death because of having regular contact with departed souls. I used to go to the historic church in Melbourne CBD, now sold because the property developers saw potential for apartments. I also frequent churches of all faiths because I don't consider one religion is more relevant than the other. Therefore I respect the Oneness of all people and all faiths, not the deceptive teachings. 

Working on the First Australian Psychic Line, Warning Comes True
I was spiritually guided to work on the first Australian psychic line because I was guided the deceptive teachings would be coming. Again, at that time I was receiving that channeling, there was no such thing as psychic institutes, life coaches. You would be lucky to find a psychic advertisement in a newspaper or magazine. 
The Deceptive Entertainment Psychic Industry  
Fast forward to now and you are bombarded with psychic advertising on Google AdWords or every social media platform you visit. I can assure you most of this is entertainment fluffery and has nothing to do with the credible spiritual arts. 

Finding the Right Spiritual Lightworkers
If you are fortunate to find a gifted spiritual psychic (lightworker) you will notice we don't require any upfront information, we use a spiritual technique that allows us to make contact with your aura. I am a breath healer, I tune directly into your spiritual consciousness from making contact with your breath. I then allow my heightened clairsenses to detect and scan your aura to find underlying issues that are going on in your life. At all times I respect you are giving me permission to access your auric field and disconnect once the phone reading is completed. 

Over One Million Visitors to Australian Psychic blog  
We recently reached our one million visitor mark on the psychic blog and none of this could have happened without your suggestions for psychic, spiritual and esoteric topics, steadfast loyalty and dedication of my staff. You can see that when you visit my Australia wide phone psychic website that there are so many people doing graphics, responding to administration inquiries, doing shout outs on social media. Everything I earn from readings is invested back into my spiritual business to help you find reliable content and up-to-date information. 

Vine's Spiritual Gratitude to Clients and Medical Professionals
I love how you have recommended me to your family and friends and work colleagues. I appreciate the medical professionals recommending clients to me to help patients have contact with life after death. I know you have all contributed in your own way in supporting my psychic business. I thank you for entrusting your spiritual health and life issues in my care. I will continue to be of spiritual servitude to all of my clients.

Love and Light

Australian Psychic Vine, Discounted Credit Card Bookings
If you would like to book a phone psychic reading with Vine or learn more about her unique spiritual abilities visit the following web page:  Vine Phone Psychic Reading Bookings – International and Australia - landline and mobile.  Australian Telephone Psychic Reading Line - 1902 242 800 - Call costs $4.95 per min gst inclusive, extra Mobile/Pay Monessa Gulf


Vine has been providing psychic readings services to her Australian and International clients for 34 years. Above is Australian Born Vine Psychic's latest psychic reading blog, reflecting on her spiritual background being born in Melbourne, Victoria
Book an online psychic reading from anywhere in the world by using our secure PayPal booking facilities. Let gifted Australian Psychic Medium Vine, tune into your individual consciousness using her spiritual breath technique and provide expert psychic help. To book an accurate psychic reading booking online, go to: Vine Phone Psychic Bookings

Saturday 9 July 2016

Australian Psychic Reading - Get The Answers You Deserve!

Australian Psychic Reading Expert Vine, has now gone into her 34th year helping men and women get answers. If you need help in your life, get the clarity you deserve by booking a reading with Vine. 

Why don't you check out Vine's amazing psychic background and how she built her spiritual reputation from doing face-to-face readings in Melbourne, Australia. Her popularity then allowed her to branch out all over Australia and world wide.

Vine has assisted thousands of clients in Australia and World Wide to help provide proof of the afterlife. Her client testimonials show that Vine shared information about their loved ones passing that was only known to them. You can find her customer reviews on the Karma Lounge Forum (Melbourne Psychic Reviews).

Spiritually, Vine has been demonstrating her high level of expertise of the psychic arts for years. So much so, that many Australian and global psychics have attempted to replicate her spiritual breath technique readings. 

Vine is often told by new customers that other psychics attempt to copy her breath readings, but they don't demonstrate the same Empathic psychic abilities that Vine displays. 

When Vine uses her breath technique to connect to your aura, she can immediately relay what she is receiving from your higher self. But when other psychics pretend to use Vine's unique breath technique, they usually say it's just to get you to relax. 

If you have already been blown away by Vine's incredible heightened clairsenses and genuine connection to your higher self, you will know that her spiritual breath technique is unique, and gifted to Vine by her higher guardians.

Australian Psychic Vine, Discounted Credit Card Bookings
If you would like to book a phone psychic reading with Vine or learn more about her unique spiritual abilities visit the following web page:  Vine Phone Psychic Reading Bookings – International and Australia - landline and mobile.  Australian Telephone Psychic Reading Line - 1902 242 800 - Call costs $4.95 per min gst inclusive, extra Mobile/Pay Monessa Gulf


Vine has been providing psychic readings services to her Australian and International clients for 34 years. Above is Australian Born Vine Psychic's history, how she has helped thousands of online clients find a greater peace of mind...     
Book an online psychic reading from anywhere in the world by using our secure PayPal booking facilities. Let gifted Australian Psychic Medium Vine, tune into your individual consciousness using her spiritual breath technique and provide expert psychic help. To book an accurate psychic reading booking online, go to: Vine Phone Psychic Bookings