Thursday 5 September 2024

Your Comments: Being Born With Free Spiritual Will

Vine's Documentary now on YouTube… 

It's been one month since Vine Seer published her latest documentary about being born with free spiritual will and there's been a lot of comments from clients and followers, surprisingly not in the comments section of the video itself. Most likely because we've not emphasized to leave your feedback. Something we intend to remedy for future videos.

Are You Protecting Your Free Will?


Vine is now working on the second part of the free will story, so don’t forget to subscribe and hit the alert button for all the new spiritual videos. Every little bit helps to get the message out there about the attacks on our free will.

Our Democracies were Founded to Protect Our Free Will...

Vine’s higher guardians stress that free will is our birthright and we must guard against those trying to expunge it. 

Online, we are no longer spiritually protected because we're constantly being bombarded by chaos actors and paid networks trying to persuade us to change our way of thinking. This makes us vulnerable.

Totalitarian forces around the world and the secretive repressive plutocratic forces behind our Western democracies are already seizing the opportunities created by wholesale collection of our personal-life data.

They already have sophisticated profiles of almost every human being on the planet. They have the capacity and ability to predict what we are likely to do and how subservient we may or may not be.

When a conservative state gets hold of that sort of data, people begin to curb their speech and choices to either appease the state, or as it becomes more totalitarian, to escape its authoritarian clutches. This is resulting in the clandestine removal of our free will, as we ‘willingly’ conform to the severe policies of the plutocratic controllers of our state.

They are tearing down the democracies of our world

There are secretive forces now working to replace our democracies with deterministic billionaire-run totalitarian states. The main strategy is to crush people’s hopes with austerity policies, as we are seeing in the UK at the moment where conservative austerity hardships are being continued by the new Labour Government.

The aim is to make people compliant and without protest, ready to accept the tearing down of the democracies of our world, which were built upon the rock of free will.

Collectively and individually it is up to everyone of us to be discerning to determine who is attempting to persuade us and what funding is being secretly funneled into the persuaders' networks.

If you have any personal information that could help others understand this more, please feel free to leave your comments on Vine Earth Seer YouTube Channel

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