Tuesday 3 March 2009

Bullying, Cyber Bullying Help & Suicide

Suicide can be a taboo subject to discuss in society. But now more than ever we need to discuss the real societal ramifications and how this affects families, loved ones and friends who lose someone who has committed suicide.

Did you know that suicide is now one of the leading cause’s of death by injury in Australia, which is ahead of car accidents and homicides?

Cyber bullying seems to be one of the greatest causes of teenage suicides and this is the reason why I have placed so many videos on the forum to show the innocent loss of life of young teenagers who ended their life to such a senseless act. Social networks like My Space, Facebook etc. is now being used by ignorant members of society to harass, bully and urge people to commit suicide.

As a spiritual medium I come into contact with a lot of spiritual beings that have found themselves needing assistance after committing suicide. The belief that all will be easier if a person commits suicide is not necessarily the case. A lot of people will regret the act and find themselves in a state of limbo – becoming stuck between one spiritual plane and the next. My role is to help them find peace with their passing and to try to help them to move to the other side.

If you are dealing with bullying and you don’t know how to cope with this consistent irritating harassment seek help from your family, friends, counsellors or teachers. There are also a lot of organisations you can turn to within your own country that will provide a willing ear and helpful advice. Realise you are not alone and there are people who want to help you.

If you have lost a loved one to suicide and are trying to pick up the pieces the best help you can get is from a suicide support group, these people have experienced the same type of emotions you’re encountering and will embrace you in their arms and offer a great deal of comfort as you work through your grief.

Bullying needs to be tackled by all areas of society, the young child bully can grow up to be an even larger bully as a teenager and when they enter the workforce. There are so many cases of bullying and spirit has warned that failure to address bullying in society then evolves into further hatred where bullied beings will then lash out at society by committing crimes like murder, arson, and mass shootings. We need to look at all of the societal issues bullying creates.

Helpful Internet Sites

Suicide Helpline Australia Only:
Lifeline 131114
Statewide Service 1300 651 251

Are you being bullied? Would you like to share how this is affecting you? Do you know someone who committed suicide because of being bullied, or cyber bullying? Would you like to place current news, world helpline phone numbers to help people suffering from bullying or suicide prevention sites on this forum? We welcome your comments and articles.

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