Thursday 29 January 2009

The Year 2009 – Principles of Truth and Right

I’m normally quite reluctant to enter into the psychic race of yearly predictions, but after listening to all of the doomsayers in the psychic, economic and media worlds, on principle, I’ve changed my mind.

We are in the start of a new year and we should be feeling energised, fresh from our holiday break and ready to take on 2009 with enthusiasm. However, there seem to be decision makers in the media world that have decided that the only real news is bad news. Local and world economists who failed to really identify the severity of the global crash earlier last year are now proclaiming that there is worse to come. Clearly they believe it’s important to send out the energy of fear to the masses.

Fear has the energetic consequence of creating further fear and therefore becoming its own consciousness. It grows in intensity every time someone buys into its negative, destructive presence. I for one, am not going to give it any further emotional energy and am urging all other self’s who read this to do the same.

2008 was a year for revaluating outdated political ideas, environmentally unfriendly technologies and the biggie – greed for the sake of greed. At no time was I surprised by the chain of world events, and my clients were forewarned about the dramatic mood swings of the economy. Spiritually I was shown major changes taking place on our spiritual blue planet. By the year 2000 I was actively involved in sharing this knowledge. One of the events shown was the uprising of politically disadvantage and disillusioned self’s deciding to forcefully draw world attention to the political and economic inequities occurring around the world. I was warned about the possibility of a “Holy War” that would follow if world leaders failed to successfully address these ongoing issues.

I was shown that Nature would also begin to demonstrate the failure of our world to understand the real significance of our direct relationship between the environment and ourselves. Cataclysmic events were shown to me, from the start of year 2000 and energetically intensifying from there. Earthquakes, tsunamis and unpredictable weather patterns were only some of the things I was shown.

You could say we created, through our thoughts and deeds, everything we are now experiencing on our beautiful blue planet. We have failed to honour everyone as a part of ourselves; we have ignored the spiritual connection of indigenous sacred lands; we have carelessly ignored religious and cultural differences and we have selfishly claimed nature’s resources as our own. And we have collectively allowed multinational corporations to dictate unacceptable environmental standards, poor working conditions and small wages, in the event it would make us all the wealthier. We allowed the energetic ripples of greed to become large currents.

Our environment has always seemed to be a secondary concern for world governments and due to the lack of protection our environment is now suffering irretrievable damage. Scientists have been going cap in hand to government over the last 8 years trying to get them to immediately react to their scientific findings to have their credentials questioned as a way of stopping the message getting out sooner.

The failure of world governments to regulate the financial sectors and large corporations and industry, and to falsely refer to the founders constitutional laws and to manipulate those laws to create further wealth at the cost of all, is now under serious consideration by the people and government.

Governments, progressive businesses and people of the world are now giving serious consideration to the regulation of financial sectors, large corporations and industry

The failure to have real business ethics, not tokenistic policies to placate the ethicist created further energetic deterioration and gigantic ethical cracks. The financial crash was created all because of the lack of real Universal principles - truth and right.

Confucius the famous Chinese philosopher and teacher once stated to a stranger: “The bell did indeed sound, but few had ears to hear”.

Few within our world have had ears to hear. 2009 allows all those who have heard, seen or actually experienced this energetic forceful change to now fully accept responsibility and to create and build our beautiful blue planet in a new, inspirational and hopeful way.

2009 as shown to me by spirit is a year for hard work, perseverance and to offer humanitarian assistance to all of our fellow brothers and sisters, or as spirit refers to us as little ones. There will be new, progressive laws passed in all government institutions around the world. There will be greater levels of accountability and personal responsibility. Greed will be frowned upon and the self’s who believe they are untouchable and have failed to move with the new progressive laws will be karmically corrected.

Please realise that 2009 is not going to be as negative a year as the doomsayers, psychics, economists and media predict. It will be a progressive year where the masses will begin to really hear and apply the Principles of Truth and Right in their daily breathing life.

1 comment:

Rosa said...

We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly.

Aristotle 384 B.C.-322 B.C., Greek philosopher and scientist, student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great