Tuesday 5 January 2010

Vine Psychic Line - What is Poverty Consciousness?

We were sitting around a table ordering a meal when our guest asked the waitress, “What's the cheapest beer you have on your menu”?

My partner and I told our guest not to worry as we would pick up the tab for the meal and he could order what ever he liked. But our guest responded by continuing with his line of thought, “I always order the cheapest beer”. Our mood was immediately altered by the energy of lack that he was radiating. We listened as our guest shared how he lived on the poverty line and unconsciously expressed his inability to enjoy life because he didn’t have any money. Knowing his full circumstances however, we knew that it was his choice to live this way. He owned several properties and yet chose to live in an unwelcoming rubbish cluttered house, which sent out a negative psychic vibration screaming, ‘I don’t like myself, I deserve this quality of life and I want you to feel as miserable as I do’.

Poverty Consciousness can create a spiritual illness that stops you from experiencing life to the fullest. Its origin may have resulted from the legacy of poverty you inherited from your childhood, it can slowly and subconsciously creep up on you through the choices you make about not having enough - creating a dense psychic energy. This self-made psychic energy can determine how your life flows and can affect all areas of your life.

Your relationships, career choices, living conditions and lifestyle can become tainted by the negative messages you continue to send out about money. Thus, the thoughts you think can immediately reflect the psychic/spiritual energy you radiate.

If you create a dense psychic energy that blocks creative expression, stops you from being able to love yourself, or feel emotionally connected to other people and consistently feeds the energy of lack, then ‘lack’ is exactly what you will create.

The choice is yours - do you want to live in poverty consciousness or do you want to break free from its psychic binds?

How Your Thoughts Affect Your Cellular Memory Bank & Create Poverty Consciousness

The intensity of one’s thoughts and actions can write an energetic blueprint similar to a computer program, which magnetically attracts people, events, situations and experiences to you.

You are your own creator. If you find areas of your life are unbalanced, dysfunctional or out of control and you've tried numerous self help methods in the past, but have failed to break out of destructive patterns, and you wonder why the same type of financial issues repeat themselves time and time again, then Cellular Memory Structure could be the reason.

Your cells are your genetic family tree. Past generations of family members have left their own imprint in your cellular structure. Some of the poverty consciousness responses, characteristics or actions you have in life about money, have evolved through the genetic-key structure originating from the beginning of your family line.

Book a Cellular Memory Consultation to Change Poverty Consciousness

Cellular Memory Consultation
... A Step-by-Step Process
1. The first step in helping yourself is to identify if thoughts about poverty are ruling your life.

2. The next step is to make a decision to change it right now.

3. Contact Vine and send a message from the bookings page to
book a Cellular Memory Cleansing appointment.

4. Choose a quiet setting that allows you to gain the benefits of the consultation without any interruptions.

5. Call and connect with Vine on Google Talk or Skype using a unique breathing technique facilitated by Vine through spiritual consciousness.

6. Leave your mind open and receptive to Vine’s guidance after proceeding with the breathe-connection technique.

7. By following the unique breathing release method and sharing the feelings you encounter with Vine, you can take back the reins of your life.

Your spiritual family can help you claim back the life you deserve. You don’t have to live in the energy of lack or continue to send out the negative psychic energy of poverty consciousness.
Begin to claim the loving life spirit always intended for you.


To book a cellular memory cleansing appointment with Vine please click the bookings page. Cellular Memory Cleansing Readings start from 1 hour bookings. It is highly recommended to book in hourly intervals and no more than 2 hours at any given time.

Please note: Each client’s circumstances are unique to their individual consciousness. You may require additional bookings to work on ingrained issues and need to allow sufficient time to energetically assimilate your cellular bio mechanical structure. Vine requires you to spiritually wait 2-4 weeks before booking another cellular memory cleansing reading.

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