Thursday 15 January 2009

How to Cope With Unemployment, Spiritually

Do Not Define Yourself by the Job You Do
With the 'Economic Crunch' around the world, many securely employed workers through no fault of their own, have found themselves out of a job. Suddenly they need to cope with finding money to pay bills, dealing with creditors (whose lack of sympathy can cause further unwanted stress) and trying to remain confident in a turbulent time of their life.

I deal with clients from many different cultural backgrounds and family dynamics who have found themselves questioning the best way to manage these difficult times.

Here are some of Vine's spiritual tips:
  • Recognise that the 'looking for work' process is a game. Yes, a game! You will begin to play the game the first time you apply for a job. Having to fill in the job application and match keywords to job criteria specifications will be the first part of the game. Try not to personalise the process of looking for work. If you apply for countless jobs and have computer generated sorry letters appearing in the mail, or not consider this is because you are unworthy. Recognise that this is still the game of life and see your small part in it as a learning.
  • Do you need to upgrade your skills in order to compete in the marketplace? Do you need some career counselling to help you express yourself better when answering questions in an interview? Do you need to specifically design your resume to match each job position you're applying for? You could have two types of resume and tweak the contents page when you match it to the job specifications criteria. Ask for help from a registered job expert, do this at the time you find yourself unemployed - don't wait, or believe you know better than the experts. You don't. If you leave this process to the last minute, you'll find that it will come back and bite you on the karmic bum.
  • If you have successfully matched key words and shown your level of expertise in the job you're applying for, you'll next need to show a level of confidence in the job interview. Before attending the job interview (at least a few days before) start to do a visualisation exercise which shows you working in the job. Yes, working in the job position, not WANTING to work in the job position, because the energy of Universal manifestation works on your spiritual intent. What you sow, so shall you reap! If you're in the Universal Energy of confidence then you will automatically radiate this energy to any potential employer.
  • Place your lack of work in a spiritual context that allows you to recognise that your self worth is not defined by what job you do, but the values you have and the way you conduct yourself.
  • Take a break from looking for work. Head to your nearest park, national park, forest or ocean to reignite your spiritual spark. Pack yourself a small lunch and take a towel or blanket and a decent book or magazine and remove yourself from the constant emotional stress of looking for work. Do this without guilt.
  • Share your feelings with friends and family about the stress of looking for work and the toll it is taking on you. Yes, this is something you must do to clear any emotional stagnation and to avoid attracting the energy of lack. The energy of lack, in spiritual terms is a way of attracting depression. If you have constant stress and don't find a way of releasing the emotional energy, it then begins to have a life of its own. If you don't feel comfortable talking with your friends or family members - then seek out a professional counsellor. If you're unable to afford a counsellor, look for a free phone counselling service to help you in your hour of need.
  • Give yourself a treat - It doesn't have to cost a lot of money, or can cost anything at all. Looking after yourself is a way of allowing your spiritual being to know that you consider yourself worthy. Find the inner child that resonates inside of you and remember what used to make the inner child happy. What about looking for the children's books you used to read and taking your inner child to the security of the old days. Go to the library section and select your favourite book as a child and sit down and read the book again. Or, go to the nearest lolly shop and buy something you used to eat when you were younger. This is a way of getting back to your inner child essence. Again, do this without guilt. You don't need to share all of your personal experiences, this one is for you and you alone.
  • Keep regular hours and don't fall into the trap of sleeping in and letting the day take its own course. If you're looking for work that requires you to wake up at a set time, then get yourself into a regular habitual pattern of starting and ending your day with those hours. The Universal energy responds to what you send out, so sleeping-in all day is not a great message to send out to the Universe. That demonstrates you are not really serious about moving forward and the Universe will respond in kind - by not assisting you. Remember you are your own creator - so your actions are the making or the breaking of your daily life.
I hope these spiritual hints help. I welcome any spiritual or practical ideas you would like to include or share with our growing community.

Bookings Note: If you would like to book a phone consultation with Vine please hit the home tab and go to the bookings page to select a payment option. You must first contact Vine at: to organise a suitable date and time. Any further queries refer to Vines Question and Answer (Q&A) tab.

Love and Light

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