Monday 7 March 2011

Why Do I Keep Receiving Psychic Reading Advertisements by SMS and Email?

Fun video to highlight spam issues around the world

Why Do I Keep Receiving Psychic Reading Advertisements by SMS and Email?

A new client asked me this question after contacting another online psychic business for a reading and providing their phone and address details at the time of the call.

Not long after that, she began receiving unsolicited emails and text messages from the psychic organization. She asked during her recent psychic reading was this normal?


This is considered to be psychic advertising spam and in Australia we have laws to stop illegal Spam messages continually being sent.

You have the right to seek out a psychic reading to help you find clarity at your time of need. That's free will. But you don’t have to be hounded about having another psychic reading via SMS or email.

It’s up to the client to contact an organization and request another psychic reading if they choose to do so. Being constantly bombarded with the psychic’s latest specials, newsletters and offers is failing to allow the client to move on with their own life.

What is a Psychic Reading?
A genuine psychic reading is about helping someone find clarity and to offer spiritual guidance to get you on the right track. A reputable psychic should be able to immediately tune into your life issues, without you having to provide a lot of detail and start to give you beneficial spiritual guidance.

What isn’t a Psychic Reading?
Chatting with someone about your issues is not a psychic reading. This falls more into a counselling session and psychics are not counsellors. Any psychic that advertises they are a psychic chat line, or psychic counsellor is falling into this category. A psychic is meant to show they have extra-sensory abilities. Hence, why the name is called psychic. There should be no reason to have multiple psychic readings in a short period of time. Ethical spiritualists will advise you need to wait for the guidance to assimilate before seeking further psychic help.

What Should I do if I receive Psychic Spam Advertising?
Find out how you are receiving the psychic advertising. Did you initially book a psychic reading by a customer service operator or an online psychic website?

At the time of your psychic booking were you aware that you were agreeing to be placed on a customer database? If you were not advised by a customer service operator, or the psychic themselves that you were being placed on a psychic reading database then you have grounds to contact the organization and ask them to stop sending you information. Sometimes the details can be in fine print and not easily understood.

If you feel that receiving regular psychic advertising emails and SMS texts is an invasion of your privacy then take action.

Where do I Report Australian Psychic Spam Advertising? What Are My Rights?
In Australia you have a lot of rights about receiving unsolicited psychic reading spam advertising. The Australian and Communications Media Authority (ACMA) are responsible for monitoring spam advertising.

If you’ve received emails from an Australian psychic business that you consider to be unsolicited, or if your request to unsubscribe from an email or SMS text list wasn’t actioned, you can make a complaint to the ACMA. Make a spam complaint.

What is Vine’s Psychic Line Policy – Customer Privacy?
Vine Psychic Line doesn’t send emails or SMS messages to clients unless we are informing a client they have won our discounted credit card reading. The client is advised online, and by person that they will immediately enter the draw to win a free 20-minute reading if they provide their name and suburb. If clients don’t provide their suburb details then we don’t place them into the monthly draw.

Vine Psychic Line also doesn’t have a client database. We never recontact a client or send out newsletter information. We work under the principles of Universal Laws and free will.

If any of our clients want to read our latest psychic newsletter they will find it in the Karma Lounge Spiritual and Environmental Forum.

If you live outside of Australia you will need to contact a representative from a similar government department to check if the 'same or similar' spam advertisement laws are in your country.

To learn more about Australian Vine Psychic's spiritual background please visit:

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