Spirit reaches to those they call to be spiritual vessels for the after life
Shows like ‘Medium’ and ‘Ghost Whisperer’ supposedly give an honest portrayal of Mediums and Sensitives, but they are so far creatively-stretched and sensationalized (i.e. not true), they rarely touch on what it's really like to be a medium. '
'Hereafter' is a more realistic representation of a Mediums life journey. Allowing the viewer to see the Psychic Mediums personal fears, vulnerabilities and frustrations before they inevitably come to terms with using their spiritual gifts to help others.
Hereafter was produced and directed by Steven Spielberg and Clint Eastwood. The story of Hereafter is about three separate characters, each touched by death and searching for answers as to why their life had changed so dramatically.
Someone in the research department did their homework as it's an accurate portrayal of a Mediums life especially in realizing that many genuine mediums initially are reluctant to use their gift. I could relate to Matt Damon's character when he talked about how he felt his 'spiritual gift' was more of a curse. Genuine Mediums believe this because they have had to juggle their spiritual work with their personal life. They have one foot in this life and another foot in the afterlife.
A psychic kid has enough to contend with without throwing a dozen or more ghosts into the equation. And it can be difficult for a person who gains their extra-sensory abilities after surviving a traumatic injury or near death experience later in life. Nine times out of ten a genuine medium has had to walk a rocky road to come to a point where they accept their natural spiritual ability.
Being a medium can be extremely rewarding. I had the opportunity of doing a special medium reading the night of going to see 'Hereafter'. A young man who died tragically was reaching out to his young partner and little girl because she wasn't able to deal with Valentine's Day and missing him. The brutal spiritual honesty of a man having to tell his partner that she needed to let him go and to take back the reigns of her life, and sharing guidance that only she and she alone knew is the reason why Mediums like the one in 'Hereafter' have an important spiritual role.
I'm grateful that the film also touches on some of the other aspects of the psychic industry, where the viewer is able to identify that a lot of the ‘psychic and paranormal’ industry is not what it claims to be.
It is unfortunate, but sometimes people seeking genuine spiritual Mediumship have to put their finger in the psychic industry pie to have it burnt before knowing not to touch it again. The need to be spiritually discerning, do your research and not be taken in by some of the psychic industries public relations advertising and marketing is also highlighted in Hereafter. One of the main characters in the film found it can be difficult to find a genuine Sensitive or Medium. It requires a great deal of perseverance, to sift the wheat from the chaff and find a gifted medium like the main character of 'Hereafter'.
If you walk away from anything from this film, it is about being spiritually discerning and finding your own spiritual truth.
Hereafter successfully lifts the spiritual veil and allows the viewer to question the possibility of an afterlife. It also legitimately honors the real psychic mediums life and allows them to relate to another Sensitives journey.
Australian Vine Psychic Medium has been providing spiritual services to clients for over 29 years.
She is a Natural Born Medium that is highly respected in Australia and internationally. Vine was spiritually guided to have a greater presence on the psychic lines because of the large amount of false psychic businesses entering the industry.
To learn more about Vine's spiritual background go to:
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