As a Natural Born Spiritual Medium I am fortunate to be able to provide messages from the other side for clients seeking help and clarity with pressing life issues.
This true-life account spiritual reading marked a new chapter in my client’s life. Spirit had a particular reason for reaching out to her and I was stunned when they revealed why they had appeared.
My client had phoned me to seek guidance about a family issue. I tuned into her consciousness by using the breath technique I use at the start of every phone psychic reading, and began to share the guidance I was receiving when I noticed the vibrational energy changing behind me. I was tuning into higher spiritual beings and was stunned by their visual presence.
As a medium when I tune into loved ones who have crossed over I spiritually see and clairsentiently feel them energetically presenting behind me. On this occasion I didn’t have just one or two spiritual beings, there were hundreds of beings presenting in a type of native dress that was unknown to me.
The man who stepped forward as the leader of the spiritual group had dark skin, with piercing brown eyes and his face was covered in a stylish black tattoo that took my breath away.
Next to him stood a stunning woman who presented energetically in a medium to larger build. She had long dark hair and wore a dress woven from plants. Around her ankle I spiritually saw a woven leather fabric that looked like an anklet.
I shared with my client that something unusual was occurring and I described the spiritual visions of the people standing behind me.
She gasped when I told her the women was walking forward holding a woven basket full of herbs and medicines. I was telepathically guided that this spiritual gift represented the ways of the medicine woman of the village. I asked her if she had a Polynesian background, not knowing anything about my client’s history as we had only started to communicate on the phone.
She shared with me that she originally lived in New Zealand and this helped to clarify the spiritual presence of the people behind me.
I was still puzzled. Why were there so many spiritual beings? This was quite unusual for a medium reading as I normally get one or two and at the most maybe five family members. This time I had hundreds of spiritual beings behind me.
I asked the leader why there were so many of them and he gave me the words I needed to relay to my client. He told me that my client was very special and they were here to help her reclaim her spiritual knowledge. The woven basket full of plants and herbs represented her ability to tap into the old cultures and to reclaim her natural heritage.
As I relayed this information she shared with me that she was a Maori Princess who had relocated to Australia and left the culture of her homeland.
The tattooed man spoke in a language I didn’t understand. I attempted to share some of the words but had difficulty because I wasn’t able to roll my tongue to pronounce the words correctly.
As spirit presented the herbs and medicines, she shared with me that the woman in her family had all carried the spiritual knowledge of healing and this had been lost to her.
Once hearing her words, Spirit clairvoyantly impressed onto me visual images of a building that had a wooden carving at the top of the entrance. I was invited into the building and walked across a wooden floor; there I saw an altar that was skilfully carved into circular shapes. I was able to remotely view the building using the art of clairvoyance. I saw further carvings similar to totem poles down the sides of the wall.
My spiritual guests all followed me into the building and there I was told that my client was being shown these images to restore her natural gifts. She was to claim back the lost knowledge of her tribes and I had been chosen to help as a spiritual medium to share this with her.
I was listening to their guidance and at the same time relaying over the phone what I was visually being shown. The love energy I was feeling from my spiritual guests was overwhelming and I had tears streaming down my face with the honor of being gifted with this reading.
At the end of the psychic reading I shared with my client that I would attempt to find photos on the Internet to help her have a better idea of some of the images I had been describing.
Once the reading had concluded I went onto the Internet and placed TwitPics of all of the images I was shown. I wasn’t able to get the exact match; baskets for example were smaller and they didn’t have the medicinal medicines and herbs in them.
I was stunned to be spiritually guided to a page that had the words that I had written down and to find they were native to the Maori people and the word he had been attempting to relay to me, meant two different things one was chief, elder or respected man the other was a Polynesian God. [Koro]
I was immediately guided to the photos and information relevant to my client’s reading and put them up on TwitPic within half an hour, but my client didn’t see the photos until several weeks later when she was guided to contact me.
She has given me permission to share her amazing spiritual reading. [comments by Vine]
The message from her spiritual tribe has been relayed and I am truly thankful that they gave me the opportunity as a spiritual conduit to pass their higher guidance on to my client and to be able to share this with you all.
Love and Light
Next Week: Why is spirit reaching out to indigenous people to reconnect with their culture?
Vine has been working in the spiritual field for 28 years and is a highly respected Australian Natural-Born Clairvoyant Medium. Born in Melbourne, Australia She writes regular articles about spirituality and is often guided by spirit to write about the Psychic Industry.
To learn more about Vine's Spiritual Background go to: http://www.vinemedium.com.au
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