Friday 15 October 2010

Blog Action Day - Water Oneness, What Can the Chilean Miners Teach us?

Today is Blog Action Day, people around the world have placed their name down to be involved in the important message of spreading the word about water issues in their community and around the world.

Water Oneness
Tackling Water Issues in the Energy of Oneness

Blog Action Day 2010: Water from Blog Action Day on Vimeo.

The Chilean Miners, who have just been rescued, survived in a confined space with very little food and water to share between many people. What then can the Chilean miners teach us about solving the serious water problems we face in the world?
We need to explore the Spiritual Oneness message of how we are all living breathing beings who have incarnated onto this amazing natural world and what it means as a global society to tackle water issues in the energy of Oneness.

We sometimes place more importance on our cultural differences and patriotism than looking at the larger picture of providing everyone with the same opportunities to live in first world conditions and to have access to clean water in their communities.

Right now, almost a billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean, safe drinking water. That’s one in eight of us.  This message gets lost in the mirage of information commercially filtered through our media and television sets. We must address this global issue.

Generally, we have can become desensitized to the suffering of others and we therefore do nothing because we question how just one voice can bring changes into a divided world?

One voice can join with many voices and collectively we amplify the power of One. We can declare our willingness to see ourselves as a spiritual global community without borders and we can experience a world that responds to people’s water needs in the spirit of Oneness. The people of the world are now like the Chilean miners, a large number of people in a confined world with ever decreasing resources.

Like the Chilean miners who survived their ordeal by acting as one, by sharing and understanding that to survive and eventually prosper, they must work together as One, we ALL now must follow their example, reconnect with the Whole and attack our water and energy problems spiritually.

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