Wednesday 19 August 2009

Corporations - Undercurrent of Over-Consumption

We are often left wondering how our world came to be the way it is. Why do we need to consume with such fervor? How is our planet meant to cope with the me generations, who want, want, want and fail to see the real connection they have with nature?

Spirit has been warning how desensitized our children are becoming and when you watch these videos, you begin to see what that really means to society as a whole. Children are now becoming psychic sponges and absorbing large amounts of stimuli to become today's over-consumers.

Every time there is a concern raised by the general public about large corporations' ethics, they counteract these concerns with large public relation campaigns, lobbying to government agencies to change legislation and placing money in the coffers of sympathetic elected government representatives who then fight for their interests.

Our beautiful planet is not designed to be an endless resource for consumerism. Climate change is a reality in our lifetime and we now need to deal with the consequences of over consumption and everything that comes with this. We thus have to turn our attention to the large corporations who fail to accept any responsibility for the way we consume.

Corporations need to be more accountable to the public for their failure to employ real ethics in their business dealings. We need to chip away at the corporation facades and show the truth - how they are using every trick in the book to manipulate our way of thinking. These corporations are having more say then your democratic vote. How is that possible? They have used the American Constitution for their own means and legally demanded the same rights as an American constituent. That means they are able to have more say then the people who voted through the democratic system. Again, how is that possible?

When you begin to unravel some of the ways corporations have been deliberately targeting the world's demographics, you begin to see why spiritually we have lost our way. The more people demand that their government's electoral processes are not tarnished by large business donations and lobbying, the more our world has a real chance of being a real democracy.

Spirit has been warning how our children and teenagers are losing touch with their spiritual identities. How they are failing to use their own imagination and becoming desensitized to violence because of computer games. Now we need to look at the consequences of our young becoming saturated like sponges and psychically absorbing all the good and bad stimuli placed in front of them. We have to take a stand for this generation and the next and begin to really see what the marketing and advertising companies are trying to buffer behind brightly colored images and musical tones.

If our children removed themselves from the television and computer screens and entered a meditative state to correct the damage already inflicted on their psychic body, and if they played out in the open with other children, their chemical makeup would return to normal. We have to collectively become involved with our children's early development and stop large corporations from using scientific manipulation to sell their products.

Advertisers and marketers are now employing scientists to precisely predetermine what product shots and screen images will chemically stimulate children's Serotonin levels to produce a mental state in the child that is sympathetic to consuming the product in question. Is it ethical for advertisers to chemically alter our children's brain patterns and effectively remove any choice our children have to consume something that may not be good for them?

What is this sort of selfish greed and secretive manipulation doing to our society?

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