Spiritually failing to Act on Climate Change will be to our own Detriment
Message to the rest of the world: The Australian people are currently in a state of shock. We are being bombarded with every political trick you can think of to avoid real debate on climate change. Every television, radio station and media internet site in our country is being hijacked by political parties who have a political agenda to keep the climate change debate to a bare minimum. We are being fed nonstop dribble about an email that was meant to prove our Prime Minister and treasurer were giving jobs out to their mates. The Australian Federal Police was called in to check the authenticity of the email and found it was a fake. This issue has dominated Federal Parliament - which is due to break for six weeks on Thursday - for nearly five hours, pushing issues like climate change off the agenda.
Believe it or not the Australian people actually gave a mandate to our government to act on climate change. We started to get a glimmer of hope that our elected government was on the right track after they signed the Kyoto Agreement. Then it all went down hill from there. The government had every business lobby group you can imagine converging on Parliament to get the government to reconsider its position. Large multinational companies popped up their heads and declared they would be forced to take their operations elsewhere if the government went ahead with its emissions trading proposal.
The economic crisis has stunted any real research into what will happen if we don't act on climate change. Rather than identifying further droughts and natural disasters will destroy the economic system in the future; it seems large corporations are emerging as wild beasts slashing their teeth and fiercely guarding their territory at the cost of our generation and the next.
The Australian Federal Opposition has just lost a bid to delay a vote on emissions trading, so their strategists have turned to nasty politics to smear the Australian Prime Minister in the now known ‘Ute Gate’ affair. Is this a way of wasting time to avoid having to debate the emissions trading scheme ETS?
I spiritually requested guidance about the motives of the Opposition and was told they deliberately wanted to tarnish the government and leave the perception of doubt in the electorates mind. I was also told there was no substance to the alleged claims and the Opposition would attempt to delay the ETS at all costs. It is not unusual for spirit to share political information with me as I have been forewarned about a lot of environmental and political issues, even the economic crisis.
Why would spirit share this information with a medium? Imagine if you were watching your spiritual family destroy itself, its natural resources, its eco systems and all its animal kingdoms, would you reach out to help? I used to wonder why spirit was adamant I share this information to the world and questioned will people wake up before it’s too late? I really am not in a position to answer that. The only people who can are you – are you willing to risk your life and the life of future generations to all of the unknowns? Will you stand up and demand your politicians immediately implement new policies to deal with climate change?
The Australian Senate is meant to be voting on the emissions trading scheme this week and whether you completely agree with the current carbon percentages being offered at the moment should not be the debate. The Greens are not happy with the legislation and when you look at their arguments you can identify they want our government to offer a great deal more and stop further logging, but failure to do anything will be at our detriment and spiritually the natural disasters I have been shown to come will seem like a horror movie to the people who have to live through them.
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