Tuesday 14 September 2010

Free Psychic Readings – Are They Real or a Psychic Scam?

Vine's 28th Year of Service - Spiritually Inspired Video 2010

Free Psychic Readings – Are they real or not?

I’m often contacted by clients who have experienced some ‘shady’ readings from some of the online psychic organizations operating in the market.

The ones that advertise free 3-minute readings or tell people they can reunite them with a past lover or help them win lotto. These types of psychic organizations are tainting the industry by offering services that they never intend to deliver to clients. Their whole purpose of operating in the psychic industry is to make a large amount of money from some of the most vulnerable people in society.

As a psychic medium, it can be disheartening to do readings for people who have experienced some really shocking treatment from individuals and organizations in the psychic industry. I sometimes have people stating that a psychic they had phoned or seen over a period of time had told them they would be reunited with their partner and I once had a woman in such a mental state that I was being guided for her to seek medical assistance straight away. 

If a client tells me they have seen a large number of psychics I know they would have spent a fortune and they are 'psychic hunting'. There are some people who are psychic addicts, and they won’t make any decision in their life without being guided that it is OK. I will not do readings for people who present with this addictive behavior.

Genuine psychics and mediums are being lost in the mass produced marketing charade of psychic organizations that spend thousands, or hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising in the media and via the internet sites. They know someone will eventually be attracted to the false claims being made. Take a look on the web and search for psychics who claim they can make a spell to help you attract the lover of your choice.

These organizations are tapping into insecure individuals who doubt themselves. They doubt they have the ability to attract love into their life, without some magical spell from spirit.  Spirit will be the first ones to say there is no magical spell that will attract love into your life. The only thing you can be guaranteed is… you are your own creator - when you remove the fear that stops you from seeing the possibilities of attracting love into your life, you have a greater chance of manifesting someone towards you.

I’m starting to get a general theme from some of my clients about psychic lines ripping them off. One caller had rung a 3-minute psychic organization to have no real issues covered, but after being told that they were going to win something and being hooked-in to a longer reading, they had subsequently received a massive 1900 phone bill for what was advertised as a “free reading”. The one spiritual message that kept occurring to me was the lack of ethics and spiritual integrity that these people showed to their customers. They just didn’t care!

To treat another human being with contempt is to send a message to the Universe that this is the way you want to be treated. Karma works exactly as the parable states: as you sow, so shall you reap. The Universe is unconditional – the choices you make create the life experiences you attract. Never doubt that there is karmic retribution – it may not be instant karma, but there will be karma nevertheless.  For anyone aggrieved about psychic scams operating in the market place, there will be a day of reckoning for these spiritual beings. Let that give you a greater peace of mind.

Here’s another psychic scam:
Be aware of, and avoid, fake psychic web sites with large numbers of Google Ads in them. In a dishonest attempt to make it look like they are credible businesses, these sites steal content (without authorization) from legitimate psychic sites. This makes the illegal sites look like real psychic web sites, when in fact the only reason they exist is to get you to click on one of the many Google Ads on the fake site. They steal the credibility of honest and hard working psychics, to do nothing more than make money from their Google Ad campaigns. Some of these sites are constructed by large international sites that direct you back to all of their web sites (spamdexing). Some of these sites own hundreds of domains and use every trick in the book to get people to click their psychic sites. Hint: Research the large psychic organizations and check and see if they are  owned by companies listed on the stock market.

Vine's Spiritual Background
Vine has been doing spiritual readings in Australia and internationally for 28 years. She is a Natural-Born-Medium who uses breath to tune into her clients individual consciousness, this is how she makes contact with loved ones who have crossed over.  She has provided proof of life-after-death and helped thousands of clients gain a greater peace of mind. Vine has a solid spiritual background and regularly is spiritually guided to write articles that help people understand the psychic industry.

Vine's Psychic Predictions  
Vine’s ability to spiritually touch on world issues and to accurately predict real life events with 100% accuracy has seen her rise in popularity – she is highly respected in the spiritual field.

To learn more about Vine’s Psychic Services please go to:

We thank Wikepedia Encyclopedia for its reliable online information. 

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