Monday 5 October 2009

Earthquake Predictions 2009 - Spirits Urgent Warning. Failing to Act on Climate Change

"About two months ago I was given information about the current earthquakes and weather patterns our world was going to experience because we are failing to react swiftly to climate change"

My name is Vine and I am a Natural Born Sensitive who has dedicated my life to working in the spiritual field. On the 8th August 2009 I was sitting at my computer and was about to place an entry on Twitter when I started to enter a light trance and was given important information about earth movements and to share this information with other people in the spiritual field.

I immediately began to share this information with my Twitter followers, knowing that I had to honor this guidance and also wrote an entry on my Blog sharing most of the information I was provided.

My spiritual guardians were warning us of the energy shifts our Planet was about to enter. The energy shifts were connected to earth movements and intense weather patterns that would arise from the earthquakes. So far, our world has experienced a wide range of strange weather patterns and there are different scientific views on whether these are related. Spiritually I know they are and I was also forewarned that these patterns would continue until our world accepted we needed to immediately address climate change.

Let's look at the facts. So far our world has been experiencing one climate catastrophe after another. Here are some of the events that have occurred since my guidance from Spirit
the 8th August:

Western Sumatra, Earthquake – 16/8/09
Taiwan, Earthquake/landslides – 17/8/09
California, Bush fires – 1/9/09
Java, Earthquake – 3/9/09
Bangladesh Earthquake - 4/9/09
Bali, Earthquake
Bangladesh (Bhutan), Earthquake – 21/9/09
Georgia, Floods - 21/9/09
Melbourne, Earth Tremors – 22/9/09
Sydney, Dust Storm - 23/9/09
Ondoy Philippines, Typhoon - 27/9/09
Samoa, Earthquake/Tsunami – 30/9/09
Padang, Earthquake – 1/10/09
Sumatra, Earthquake – 1/10/09

Without having the science to back up my claims I am standing in authentic energy and sharing this information for anyone who is prepared to have an open mind and check the facts.

I was told that the energy shifts would cause earthquakes and extreme weather patterns and would continue until the world responded to Climate Change. Spirit is aware of everything that is going on and we are being shown the real consequences of failing to act.

And this is all happening just before the world has to make a decision on Climate Change in Copenhagen, Denmark in December 2009. The events will continue until the people of our world take notice and become actively involved in directing their politicians to act on Climate Change now. It is not a coincidence that all of this is occurring before the climate discussions in Copenhagen. We are being given a taste of the real deal. Right now, Spirit is sending out a message for all of us to view and experience. The weather patterns and earthquakes that we are currently experiencing will become the norm if we fail to act now.

I recommend you do your research and look at the current statistics about Natural Disasters and see if there is a dramatic increase. I place my credibility on the line, but in true conscience I must share this information.

I truly believe our loving spiritual family is directing us to make the right decision and to get us to really see. I ask that you go into your own inner knowing and reflect on the guidance I have shared and see if this resonates with you. Please watch the video and make a choice which way you are going to respond to the meetings in Copenhagen in December this year.

Love & Light

To book a psychic reading with Vine go to
Please be patient when awaiting a response from Vine,
she answers all calls personally.

Media: Please contact Vine at:

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